Mark Lanctot wrote:
Ramage;172228 Wrote:
Just to test the feasibility of your proposal I set up the following:

* NSLU NAS+Slimserver connected to SB3 with crossover ethernet cable
* Set up wireless bridge to my main network.

Entered all required IP addresses for my network and it worked

I am able to connect the SB directly to the Slimserver on the NSLU
through the cable and also access the NSLU from my PC over the wireless
bridge, as if it was connected directly to the network. The NSLU is also
able to access the internet through the default gateway.

I'm amazed this all works?

Because this is a convoluted wireless arrangement.  Say the SB3 wants
to send something to SlimServer.  It can't do this over its crossover
cable because you've told it to use the wireless interface and bridge
the Ethernet port.  So it looks for SlimServer out over the wireless

The router sees the packets destined for SlimServer and retransmits

The SB3 receieves the packets, detects that they are destined for the
bridged device and sends them to the NAS (SlimServer).  SlimServer then
responds with what the SB was asking for by sending it down the
crossover cable.  The SB can't see the packets because it's acting as a
bridge again since the packets came over the Ethernet interface and
sends this over wireless.  The router receieves this and retransmits
it, which the SB3 finally receives.

Pretty convoluted!

It's great that it works, but how's the bandwidth?  Any latency?  Can
you play FLACs?

Someone tried this once before and it didn't work - I put it on as an example of
what NOT to do.

I do not mean any disrespect at all, I'm surprised and amazed that it

Perhaps someone changed the squeezebox firmware to allow this. If Ramage wants to make sure the traffic between the SB and the slimserver is not going over the wireless interface (twice) he could try switching off the WAP. If it still works then the traffic obviously stays on the wired network.


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