Peter;256404 Wrote: 
> mortslim wrote:
> [color=blue]
> > And isn't a laptop just as "portable" as the new controller?
> >   
> Of course not!
> Where do you get all these 'insights'?
> Can you lay in bed and hold a laptop in one hand to control your
> playlists?

While I don't hold it in one hand, because I can't afford a second
Squeezebox, a laptop at the bedside running SoftSqueeze is exactly how
I do about 20% of my interaction with my collection.  60% of my
interaction is running SoftSqueeze at work during the day, tapping into
my collection at home.  The final 20% is with the actual Squeezebox, and
I'd say we split the remote vs. the laptop about 50/50.  

I agree with other posters and even some of the Logitech people that
are posting here: I don't think the remote is a viable, pocketable
mowing-the-lawn, portable device.  When the iPod touch gets native wifi
streaming I would consider it over the SBC in a heartbeat, if for no
other reason than when I leave the house I can take the iPod with me
and keep playing it, where I can't do that with the remote.  I have a
Treo 680 and use it as my main portable music player; if it had WiFi, I
would be using it this way right this second. But it doesn't, and I
can't afford the monthly fees to get the data plan that would enable
streaming the stream.mp3 or internet radio onto the phone.

Note to Logitech regarding wifi streaming though: several people have
commented that it eats the battery life.  Personally, I don't have a
problem with that.  As long as a wifi streaming device could get 2
hours streaming, I think it would meet almost every need I have for it,
whether it be working out or mowing the lawn or gardening or whatever. 
Again though, I don't think the SBC, even modded to, is going to fit
that bill as it doesn't really seem to be meant to be subjected to a
workout or a garden or whatever.  

And again, while I wish it was less than $150, I am interested in the
headless SBR for a second room as a mostly-always-synched-with-my-SB3
device, once it's possible to set it up without the $299 remote.


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