NFLnut;256239 Wrote: 
> You have, IMO way overpriced the controller and using Sonos prices of
> their products is a serious mistake in determining the price of YOURS. 
> You may have no problems selling that $300 remote to your Transporter
> customers, but I doubt that you will sell many to your Squeezebox
> customers.

I think the major problem with the price of the Controller is that most
people still seems think of the Controller as a remote control not a
portable SqueezeBox.

I wonder how the discussion would have been if Logitech had hold of the
release until they had enabled the headphone output and instead released
the controller under the name "SqueezeBox Portable".

I'm guessing some people would still had complained on the price,
specifically those that thinks the old SqueezeBox3 is overpriced. But I
suspect most people wouldn't really had any problem with $300 for a
portable SqueezeBox.

The thing is that SqueezeBox Controller can be turned into a SqueezeBox
Portable with just a software upgrade. Even if Logitech still hasn't
said this straight out, I'm personally pretty sure this is something
that is going to happen. It doesn't make sense to me to include the DAC
and the headphone output in the Controller if they didn't have this
plan. If I've understand it correctly, the DAC on the Controller is the
same as the DAC in the Receiver. So the playback sound quality from the
Controller might be pretty close to the Receiver sound quality. I think
Logitech has priced the Controller based on this plan and not based on
the current functionality it offers, this makes it seem a bit expensive
at the moment but in just a few months this feeling might change when a
software upgrade is available.

The physical format will of course still not be as nice as the physical
format of most MP3 players. But for a portable player you use inside the
house and outside in the garden and to bring to friends houses, I think
the current physical format is acceptable. It is for sure a lot easier
to bring the Controller to a friend compared to bringing the
SqueezeBox3 to a friend.


Erland Isaksson
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