thing-fish wrote:
> Peter;256404 Wrote: 
>> mortslim wrote:
>> [color=blue]
>>> And isn't a laptop just as "portable" as the new controller?
>> Of course not!
>> Where do you get all these 'insights'?
>> Can you lay in bed and hold a laptop in one hand to control your
>> playlists?
> While I don't hold it in one hand, because I can't afford a second
> Squeezebox, a laptop at the bedside running SoftSqueeze is exactly how
> I do about 20% of my interaction with my collection.  60% of my

Sounds terrible ;)

> interaction is running SoftSqueeze at work during the day, tapping into
> my collection at home.  The final 20% is with the actual Squeezebox, and
> I'd say we split the remote vs. the laptop about 50/50.  

I use my laptop to control my SB's when I'm at the desk or the table, 
but not when I'm on the couch. My rooms are large enough (or my eyes bad 
enough - the two are probably somewhat related) to make the SB3 displays 
hard to read. The SBC is an excellent solution for when I'm not behind 
my laptop. When I'm in my study I don't use the remote much, because I'm 
close to the PC anyway.
> I agree with other posters and even some of the Logitech people that
> are posting here: I don't think the remote is a viable, pocketable
> mowing-the-lawn, portable device.  When the iPod touch gets native wifi
> streaming I would consider it over the SBC in a heartbeat, if for no
> other reason than when I leave the house I can take the iPod with me
> and keep playing it, where I can't do that with the remote.  I have a
> Treo 680 and use it as my main portable music player; if it had WiFi, I
> would be using it this way right this second. But it doesn't, and I
> can't afford the monthly fees to get the data plan that would enable
> streaming the stream.mp3 or internet radio onto the phone.

I'm not so sure about the streaming either, unless they improve the 
battery life. I barely use my portable player outside the car. It would 
be great to have a SB-type solution for the car.


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