SilverRS8;258985 Wrote: 
> I finally had some time to do some fixing and posted the RC2 release on
> Changes in RC2:
> FIXED        Album covers not correctly displayed when path contains
> special characters
> FIXED        When a starting or compilation folder is selected and
> Start was pressed the folders fields reversed to the previous setting
> but were executed correctly
> FIXED        Album covers were not displayed in firefox
> CHANGED      Calibri font in Artist and Album header to Tahoma as
> Calibri is only default installed on Windows Vista OS which caused a
> font replacement to Times New Roman when Calibri was missing
> Still working on some other issues with Schatzy which may result in a
> fix later this week (hopefully).
> Frank

Frank, I'm getting the following error with yes/no option whenever I
try to run the RC2 script from my server. 
"Stop Running this Script?
A Script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly, if it
continues to run your computer might become unresponsvie"

If I click yes... I get ACC Window with a blue background with the
title on top and your signature on the lower right. If I click no... I
just get the hourglass and the same message reapears after a few
seconds. Using process explorer I can see that the mshta.exe is using
up to 95% of the CPU before it issues the message. I only get one line
that reads "STATUS      : fnReadSettings():ENTER:3:55:20 PM" in the

Other than cosmetic problems with the layout of the app window and
fonts, I never had any run-time issues with the ACC script. The script
is running on Windows XP SP2. Any ideas?

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