terry;263136 Wrote: 
> Frank,
> Just to be sure, the line I commented out was the rs.close as shown
> in the following code fragment:
> ' ====== FUNCTION
> ==============================================================
> ' Execute query and fill Album array
> '
> ==============================================================================
> Function fnPerformQuery(iType)
> oLogfile.writeline "STATUS      : fnPerformQuery(" & iType &
> "):ENTER:" & Time()
> On Error Resume Next
> '        rs.close
> err.clear
> rs.Open sql
> Unfortunately, the resultant error appears the same:

Strange. I can only relate this to mySQL and an open recordset that
should be closed but others have reported no problem whatsoever. I
tried several thing but they all result in non functioning ACC for
other users.

I see in your system specs from your previous post you use the 64 bit
version of XP? I'm afraid that I am unable to test and debug for that
Windows version. Are you able to test ACC on the 32 bit version of
Windows or maybe more easy on the server running SC? I think there will
be no problem running ACC than...



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SlimServer
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