mudlark;267768 Wrote: 
> I would love to hear from the shouters as to why they feel the best way
> to approach problems is to use brute force.As I started one of the offending 
> threads, I thought I would respond to
this request. I don't think that inflammatory titles is my usual modus
operandi (you can 'check here'
( to
confirm/deny this), so what happened this time? Over the previous weeks
I'd been busy proselytizing the merits of Squeezboxes in general and the
promise of the Duet in particular. I'd persuaded two colleagues at work
that this was just the music player for them: both the functionality
and the price were just right. I'd subscribed to the notification list
and then when the notification arrived that pre-ordering had commenced,
I immediately passed on the good news. Unfortunately, we quickly
discovered that we couldn't order on the slimdevices website and were
redirected to the Logitech site. Not only was the price there around
A$150 higher than we were expecting, but there was no option to
pre-order. I felt I'd led the others astray and felt let down by
Logitech, so it was something of an emotional response to post my
frustration, and maybe my convict heritage shone through in my choice
of the word "screwed" (I could be wrong, but perhaps this word is used
more casually here in Oz and so I should have been more circumspect for
an international audience). Having said that, I think that my language
in the posts themselves was reasonably polite. So, I certainly wasn't
aiming to be a troll and if anyone was offended by the language, I am
sorry. If I'm not already in Pat's kill-file, perhaps he will show some
clemency! The aim was simply to express my disappointment and
frustration. Now I don't want to restart the debate about pricing here
(if you have a comment on that topic, visit the 'original thread'
(, but I will say
that I got some useful pointers to cheaper re-sellers, although in an
ideal world I would have preferred to deal directly with Logitech.

So, I hope that provides some insight into the thinking of one of the

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