its interesting to me that phil, cat, and erland (and otehrs) all don't
really see the point of this, while at the same time they all use comp
tags, (or ALBUMARTIST tags).

i think it explains a lot.

i don't expect people who use comp tags to be advocating for what i am
advocating, but by the same token, i don't expect them to advocate
against it either. 

there is a great unwashed mass of users out there, of which i am one,
who won't get the best experience they COULD get, if only the elites
would listen.

i'm baffled by the resistence.  truly.

Philip Meyer;299687 Wrote: 
> I really can't see what everyone's problems are with compilation tags.

neither can i.

i have no beef whatsoever with comp tags.

my beef is with the VA logic.  separate and distinct.

my only comment about comp tags is most people don't use them.  so SC7
should accommodate these users as well.  thats all i'm saying.

Philip Meyer;299687 Wrote: 
> It's quite simple.  SqueezeCenter applies good sensible logic for
> determining compilation albums, if the user hasn't set up their own
> compilation tags.  This is better than all other apps, that don't
> auto-calculate, and require tags to be set.

i don't see how you can say that when i tell you that it gets at least
as many wrong for me as it gets right.

thats means if i have say 100 VA albums that are in fact VA albums, it
then says another 100 are VA albums that are NOT VA albums.

sensible?  no.

Philip Meyer;299687 Wrote: 
> It really is no hassle at all to set COMPILATION=1 on all various artist
> albums.  People using other apps have probably done this already, to get
> the other apps working correctly.

the only mainstream app i know of that uses it is itunes, and i think
its transparent to most itunes users.

i agree that it isn't a big deal for people here at the forum, i
disagree that it isn't a big deal for most people.  most people don't
want to learn what they would need to learn to figure out whats wrong,
and how to fix it.  not to mention, people like me don't want the extra
step, and it would require instlling an extra app just for this purpose
of this one tag.  (in my case, but i'd hardly be alone, i'm just using
myself to illustrate the example)

Philip Meyer;299687 Wrote: 
> I expect the vast majority of users don't set differing artist
> information.  Most tagging apps that read information from internet
> resources, such as freedb, will set all songs to have the same artist
> (and thus SC will not decide it to be a compilation album), or will set
> the album to be a compilation.

i have a lot of exp with mainstream apps, and most of them now at the
very least, give the option to the user to do this easily.  its a good
point you raise, but the fact is a lot of people would have TPE1
differentiation of all kinds of albums, (not just comp albums).

Philip Meyer;299687 Wrote: 
> So, if a user is messing about in a tag editor setting a guest artist
> for a song on an album, it's surely not too much to expect the user to
> set an Album Artist tag to define and/or set Compilation=0.

other than itunes, i don't know any mainstream app that uses comp tags.
as to album artist tags, i'm not as sure what apps do...  i know winamp
doesn't however, (they use TPE2 for that, like a lot of mainstream

Philip Meyer;299687 Wrote: 
> The argument is that SqueezeCenter could *perhaps* be more intelligent
> and guess that one song with a different artist out of 10 songs on the
> whole album should not denote the album as a compilation, but instead
> denote it as being by the artist that performs the most on the album. 
> However, that is not easy logic to guess in a consistent way.  What if
> there's only two songs on an album?  What if the album is intended to
> be a compilation album?  No logic can ever be right all of the time in
> this case - it needs the user to define the tags.

thats why we agreed earlier the math way is arbitrary and guessing.

i then made the leap it should be replaced with a better method.

Philip Meyer;299687 Wrote: 
> SqueezeCenter's general rule is quite simple and logical to understand:
> if there are different artists on songs on an album, the album is a
> compilation album.

doesn't mean its a good rule.  certainly isn't for me.  

Philip Meyer;299687 Wrote: 
> SqueezeCenter VA logic also handles the "Greatest Hits" problem, for
> libraries that are organised in different ways.  There may be many
> artists in a collection that have a "Greatest Hits" album; great
> lengths were made to correctly NOT merge them into one "Greatest Hits"
> compilation album. Any change in guessing compilation albums needs to
> remember all of the fixes in the logic that have been applied that
> solve many REAL support problems that have happened over the years.

thx for suggesting this isn't a REAL support problem.

whats so scary about having an option to turn it off?

and i don't see where anything i am talking about threatens greatest
hits fixes or any of the rest of what you said.

Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / SBC - w/SC 7.0.1beta - Win XP
Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - D-Link DIR-655
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