MrSinatra;299585 Wrote: 
> but you need a second step.  you need to have something to replace it
> thats better (although also optional).  specifically, my "VA terms"
> suggestion.
I'm sure the "VA terms" suggestion is described somewhere, but
unfortunately I don't have the time to find it at the moment, so if
anyone that knows in which post/bug it is described could refer me to
it I would appreciate it.

MrSinatra, unless this is already described in the "VA terms"
suggestion, could you describe how you would configure the "VA terms"
in your own library to get the desired behaviour ?

If I understand you correctly, you don't have COMPILATION tags and if
I've understood it correctly there is no standard compilation
indication in the different music format specificatiosn, so I suppose
you have some other custom tag or some smart other smart detection
logic you would use ? 
It would be great if you could take the time to describe this so we can
get the feeling how complex your solution would be.

If this is described somewhere already, just refer me to the correct


Erland Isaksson
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