radish;317077 Wrote: 
> And neither does making vague statements about how you've given up on
> the device because it's so terrible. You're not highlighting specific
> issues that a potential customer could consider, or that the dev team
> could fix, you're just ranting, and it's pointless.

i guess you prefer to ignore whatever challenges your pet theories.

i have been specific about the issues, have provided pointers, have
left no doubt about the debugging steps i have taken and the parameters
i have changed trying to overcome, ehem, loss of wireless connectivity,
as the friggin' title of this thread indicates.

"no specific issue"? hello?

radish;317077 Wrote: 
>  Are you unhappy that people come into your complaint threads and state
> that it works for them? Why are their experiences any less valuable for
> a potential user than yours? 

since i am provenly not in the habit of jumping into those threads
telling them they're helping no one by repeatedly praising the device,
not ony is your statement proven a fallacy, but you are shown to be
dishonest by implying i have ever engaged in the equvalent of your

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