On 17.09.2015 18:55, Bryan Richter wrote:
> It's true: We *do* have a slogan, and arguments to change it must be
> heard.

My argument is that brevity, concision, simplicity and clarity are
qualities to care about. I don't assume they guarantee a good slogan -
but I think they indicate effectiveness. I might miss other qualities,
but in my opinion colliding with those bears problems already.

"clearing the path to a Free/Libre/Open world"
is quite long, clunky and hard to spontaneously recite (not brief)

"clearing the path to a Free/Libre/Open world"
speaks in dilemma-themed metaphors (not concise)

"clearing the path to a Free/Libre/Open world"
features a three-part word with two slashes and a non-english word (not

"clearing the path to a Free/Libre/Open world"
omits the financial a angle (not clear)

> <snip>
> Regarding Robert's suggestion: putting aside the question of
> discarding our existing slogan, I would suggest one tweak. "We" does
> not, in fact, suggest to me that it is "about peaple (many!), maybe
> including [me]". It instead suggests an exclusive "we". I think the
> following has a more inclusive feel: "Funding free culture, together".

I'm still convinced "we" works fine.
"We" can in fact be exclusive, too. But to some extend it is meant to
be; without an account on our service you're hardly part of what we do.
"We" reflects a good amount of needed tribe feeling.
We don't want people to just do things, but to become part of something.
A good example for the use of "together" instead of "we" might be:
"let's end racism, together", since you can just do that without
registering somewhere and transferring money.

Also ", together" isn't that short and comes with the extra comma snag.


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