On Jeu 12 mai 2005 23:51, Mathias Bauer a écrit :
> M. Fioretti wrote:
>> There is another side of the issue, at least for templates and
>> clip-art. This kind of stuff should be installed in such a way to be
>> automatically visible to all word processors. Especially now that
>> KOffice is converging on OpenDocument, why should I install an
>> OpenDocument template via OO.o and then (re) configure KOffice (or
>> AbiWord, etc...) to use it?
>> This can (and should) be handled only at the distro level, hence the
>> need to make easy the creation of native packages, and spread the
>> corresponding awareness and know how among contributors. No matter how
>> cool the OO.o add-on installer is.
> This is a good idea, but IMHO it needs support of the OS for common
> directories for templates and clip-arts. Unfortunately it is very
> unprobable that we will see this happen. It is easier to create a
> constitution for the European Union than it is to get the Linux
> distributors to create a common platform. :-)

Are you kidding ?
Directory standardisation is one thing linux distributions do right.
The first question of a packager comming from windows space is always "why
can't I let the user select the installation directory ?" (because you
have strong directory rules)

Nicolas Mailhot

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