Ajas, I tried your code and things worked as expected on both FF and Chrome
on CF 7 and 8, but on IE (7), the regex would not work even if a correct
value was entered the first time, so this is not about "that once the alert
is displayed, even if the user corrects the error and enters a strong
password, the error alert does not go away." It just doesn't work at all.


I'm no regex expert, but I can at least confirm that when I entered
123456uU, it worked, when I left off the trailing U, it failed (and in FF
and Chrome, correcting that did then pass). 


I saw the later note from Teddy proposing some known bug with lookahead in
regex. Again, I leave that for you or others to explore, but I wanted to put
out at least this observation about how you were seeing the error, and also
how it's limited to IE.


Along the same lines, I'll suggest that with any such attempt to get
something working, it's best to have a simplified example that does just
want you're interested in. It not only helps you focus your challenge (and
sometimes helps show that a problem is something other than what you
thought, though not in this case), but it also helps others to more quickly
validate something you're having a problem with. I used this code:


<cfform preservedata="Yes">

     <cfinput type="password" name="new_password"
validateat="onBlur,onSubmit,onServer" message="Your password is not strong.
Your password should be atleast 8 characters long, consiting of one Upper
case and one Lower case and one Number." >

                <input type="Submit">



<cfif request_method is "post">

                Password: <cfoutput>#form.new_password#</cfoutput>



The preservedata (one of the little hidden gems with CFFORM added in CF 7)
will keep the value entered from one submission to the next, FWIW.




From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Ajas Mohammed
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 11:28 AM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Password CFinput regular expression - throws
alert/error after correction also


Hi there,

I have this code which checks if password is strong i.e. atleast 8
characters long, consiting of one Upper case and one Lower case and one
Number.and if not alerts the user about it. I am using a regular expression
to do this as u can see from code below. The problem is that once the alert
is displayed, even if the user corrects the error and enters a strong
password, the error alert does not go away. For example, if i entered
password for the first time, then obviously I will get alert saying password
is not strong. Then, afterwards if i correct password to be lets say
Leave1234 which is 9 chars, has one uppper case, one lower case and has a
number also, I still end up getting password not strong message. I tried
removing onBlur,OnSubmit one at a time but doesnt work.

Any ideas????

Here is the code

New Password:
     <!--- some possible regular expressions i used new_password --->
      <!--- ^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}$ or  --->
     <cfinput type="password" name="new_password"
validateat="onBlur,onSubmit,onServer" message="Your password is not strong.
Your password should be atleast 8 characters long, consiting of one Upper
case and one Lower case and one Number." >
<Ajas Mohammed />
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