Sorry for the confusion. My point is that even though the server does perform 
validation, it does so only at the command of the client (hidden field). 
Effectively, it is therefore still client side validation. I believe it gives a 
false sense of security (to myself included) since it's so easily bypassed by 
anyone with some basic tools, so I'm glad Dean pointed it out. Because he wrote 
that he wasn't 100% sure, I decided to test it and share my code. I didn't mean 
to convey any sort of concern about the absence/presence of hidden form fields.

Do you think in theory CF could provide true server side validation without 
relying on hidden form fields? My guess would be "yes in a fairly reliable 
fashion", but I'm curious if anyone has an opinion on that...

Hope that makes sense.

: Mischa, I'm curious what you're getting at here. Perhaps I missed part of
: what was being traded, but I was actually surprised by the assertion Dean
: made (that you repeated). CFInput does NOT *always* use a hidden field to
: force server-side validation. It only does that if you ask it to, using the
: ValidateAt="onserver", as you show. If you don't specify that, it doesn't
: add any hidden fields.

: Or are you guys making a different point, about what it is that CF does
: create as that hidden field when you ask it to (using that attribute)?

: I'm just trying to understand that, and also your subject line, which seems
: to be asserting yet something different (that it's only client side).

: Help us out. It may just be me that's confused. :-)

: /charlie

: -----Original Message-----
: From: [] On Behalf Of Mischa
: Uppelschoten ext 10
: Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 3:05 PM
: To: Web Site
: Subject: ValidateAt parameter is effectively only client side (was: "re[2]:
: [ACFUG Discuss] Password CFinput regular expression - throws alert/error
: after correction also")

: : IIRC cfinput will always use a hidden form field on the client to  
: : force server side validation. 

: Dean is right:

: <cfif isdefined("form")>
:  <cfdump var="#form#" show="MyNumber">
: </cfif>

: <cfform name="cfformtest">
:  <cfinput type="Text" validate="integer" validateat="OnServer"
: name="MyNumber">
:  <cfinput type="Submit" value="submit" name="Submit">
: </cfform>

: <form name="RegularForm" method="post">
:  <input type="Text" name="MyNumber">
:  <input type="Submit" value="submit" name="Submit">
: </form>

: You can submit whatever you want using the second form.

: I'm a bit disappointed because Adobe seems to have thought of and made an
: effort to prevent a similar situation with their Ajax implementation:
: _cf_clientid is appended to the url for each http request.
: /m

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---------- Original Message ----------

FROM:      "Charlie Arehart" <>
TO:        <>
DATE:      Tue, 10 Mar 2009 11:53:02 -0400

SUBJECT:   RE: ValidateAt parameter is effectively only client side (was: 
"re[2]: [ACFUG Discuss] Password CFinput regular expression - throws 
alert/error after  correction also")

Mischa, I'm curious what you're getting at here. Perhaps I missed part of
what was being traded, but I was actually surprised by the assertion Dean
made (that you repeated). CFInput does NOT *always* use a hidden field to
force server-side validation. It only does that if you ask it to, using the
ValidateAt="onserver", as you show. If you don't specify that, it doesn't
add any hidden fields.

Or are you guys making a different point, about what it is that CF does
create as that hidden field when you ask it to (using that attribute)?

I'm just trying to understand that, and also your subject line, which seems
to be asserting yet something different (that it's only client side).

Help us out. It may just be me that's confused. :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Mischa
Uppelschoten ext 10
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 3:05 PM
To: Web Site
Subject: ValidateAt parameter is effectively only client side (was: "re[2]:
[ACFUG Discuss] Password CFinput regular expression - throws alert/error
after correction also")

: IIRC cfinput will always use a hidden form field on the client to  
: force server side validation. 

Dean is right:

<cfif isdefined("form")>
<cfdump var="#form#" show="MyNumber">

<cfform name="cfformtest">
<cfinput type="Text" validate="integer" validateat="OnServer"
<cfinput type="Submit" value="submit" name="Submit">

<form name="RegularForm" method="post">
<input type="Text" name="MyNumber">
<input type="Submit" value="submit" name="Submit">

You can submit whatever you want using the second form.

I'm a bit disappointed because Adobe seems to have thought of and made an
effort to prevent a similar situation with their Ajax implementation:
_cf_clientid is appended to the url for each http request.

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