To be clear, I wasn't referring at all to anything about you or setup
Derrick. :-) Still, as you're saying, yes there are also those kinds of
issues that can cause problems as well. Good that you've isolated a lot of

That said, as for your moving to BD, I will argue that when some have
asserted that only another CFML engine was capable of handling their load, I
always wonder if their problem with CF was really what it appeared to be on
the surface. In fact, someone could install a new engine on the same machine
talking to the same DB with the same load as CF did, and argue that it was
better, and I would be willing to bet that a new install of CF could also
have had the same improvement. Again, too much to get into in this thread,
but I can attest to the situations.

So I'm not knocking the other engines. I'm just saying that sometimes the
moves to them (or off of CFML to some other platform) could have maybe been
avoided by just getting to the root cause of the problems. There are nearly
always discernable explanations, if one knows where to look and how to
connect the dots. 

And to be clear, there are indeed many here who can and do just that, so I'm
not saying I'm a superhero. I'm just saying that in addition to 12 years
with CF and 25 in IT, I've also focused the past 3 solely on CF server
troubleshooting, and I've learned an awful lot. I've had the benefit of
learning from many here on this list. More than that, I've been able to make
it my day's work each day to focus on this stuff, so it's a unique blessing.
I realize why most can't do this in their day. 

All I'm saying is that I want to help people be more effective in their
trying to understand and resolve CF (or other CFML engine) problems. The
problems (and solutions) are not always what they seem on the surface. :-)
The good news is that there is a lot of info out there, it's just a matter
of finding the right info for the right problem-and synthesizing it. I'll do
what I can in coming years to help with that (the radio show, a planned
wiki, and more). 




From: [] On Behalf Of Derrick Peavy
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Ideal memory & Configuration for CF Production




I have seen those errors before and would in the past, adjust both java Vm
settings and heap size in the BD admin console, as well as MySQL settings. I
did that over many months a few years back. Using the same system today. 


The settings I use now yielded the best results - no errors, faster
execution times, no crashes, low cpu usage. However....


I do agree with you that there are often many other issues to solve. In
fact, thinking back to our meeting back in 2004 when you helped me set up BD
on my XServe and thus made me a BD fan forever, it was obvious then that
there were other issues to solve and that BD/CF was not the issue.


Over the past 5 years, BD 6 has proven to be very reliable and robust and I
generate a fair number of page views on a daily basis. Yesterday, for
example, 79,000 CF pages generated - granted 72,000 were spider/crawlers and
only 7,000 were user page views. But as far as the data execution, a page
load is a page load. And that does not include the 10,000 RSS feeds
generated on the fly. So...


When I've run into problems in the past, it's generally been either an SQL
statement that I did not think through, or a server issue - mail problems,
FTP break in attempt, etc.,


All that being said, over the pst 5 years, we've taken pains to simplify the
roles of the server itself so that it is not doing 100 various things. DNS,
a single mail account, a very few select  number of FTP users, firewall and
then web. That's it. No custom install stuff, very strict clean OS.  And
with that, the settings I have used for BD (CF) remain the best for my
situation. 4 GB to MySQL, 2 GB to BD w/1GB heap.


I say "best" because I sleep at night and don't have errors, excessive CPU
or other crazy issues. Perhaps someone could tweak it more. But it's a
proven set up. 


Derrick Peavy


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