Hi everyone,
first of all, let me introduce myself. I'm the main developer behind
app-engine-patch which is a port of Django to App Engine:
Our repository version of Django now even supports the admin interface
and almost all of Django's other features, so our code could be reused
in an official port.

The problem here is that I have to use App Engine's Model class
everywhere. The port could've been much easier if Django's Model were
supported. App Engine's field classes don't even take a help_text
parameter and the whole DB API is a little bit disappointing compared
to Django. Also, I have to apply monkey-patches in a few places in
order to fix bugs which Google doesn't seem to have enough time for. :

A native Django port could provide us with a clean, more powerful, and
more actively developed API for App Engine development. Moreover, it
could provide a solution for provider lock-in by abstracting the
underlying API and thus making easy migrations possible.

I know that a lot of changes in the storage/query backend code need to
be done in order to support the App Engine datastore and similar
databases and I doubt that I can do the necessary API changes, but I
could at least help with implementing the App Engine backends
(sessions, cache, mail, db/storage). As a starting point, I've
documented a few high-level requirements here:

Is there any roadmap towards App Engine support?

Is anyone working on it, already?

When will someone work on it and in which Django release can we expect
native support? Is 1.2 possible?

BTW, could someone please activate my "wkornewald" Trac account, so I
can move the documentation into your wiki? I just don't receive any
activation mail when registering. I tried sending to
webmas...@djangoproject.com, but that address doesn't exist. Who can I
talk to?

Waldemar Kornewald
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