Malcolm, Russell, James,

Thanks for taking the time to respond so thoroughly to my questions.

I think that these questions are rooted in the unrealistic idea that
something that
looks like it would be good relationship- or PR-wise is also a good development

As I expressed, I've simply thought that GAE would be a no-brainer, but that is
obviously not the case when viewed against other development work with more
concrete demand.

Now it is time for me to put-up or shut-up. Hopefully it will not be
the latter (and
making a post like this can be a good motivator)!


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 11:20 PM, Malcolm Tredinnick
<> wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-02-06 at 09:51 -0500, David Stenglein wrote:
>> I have to ask a question here. Why is there such reticence regarding
>> App Engine? It would
>> seem to me that App Engine has been a feather in the cap for Django. A
>> lot of people don't know Django and at a previous job, I was able to
>> say that "Google chose django" for App Engine to help validate my use
>> of it.
> To echo everybody else; There simply isn't any reticence.
>> If so, why the seeming lack of excitement around App Engine? Are
>> google engineers not involved in the community?
> Possibly. If they are, they aren't posting from their
> addresses, as far as I can see on this list.
> I would point out that the original GAE integration with Django could
> have been implemented quite differently and a lot of this could have
> Just Worked out of the box. However, there were reasonably (not
> perfectly) valid corporate and legal reasons why Google chose not to
> and/or couldn't do that. So the thing works both ways. Google made some
> choices and this thread is now about working around those choices to
> integrate more nicely.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
> >

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