On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:04 PM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <ja...@jacobian.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:25 PM, Waldemar Kornewald
> <wkornew...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> My proposal would've been to not add staticfiles in the first place,
>> but it seems to be too late, now.
> If you think reverting the commit's a good idea, please feel free to
> propose it and/or call for a vote. Me? I use django-staticfiles
> already, so whether it's in contrib or not doesn't matter one iota.

Honestly, if enough other people wanted to see the commit reverted
we'd probably be done by now. ;)

> Personally, if I got to start Django over from scratch I wouldn't have
> a contrib. But I'm in the minority there. More importantly, the *vast*
> majority of Django users I speak to love contrib and want to see it
> grow, not shrink.

Quoting Henry Ford (sorry, it just fits so nicely :):
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.

The majority of users don't think about what is better for Django on
the long run, but what is better for their own project right now.
Listening to users is good, but being controlled by them is bad.

>> More advanced asset managers
>> will use custom templatetags, manage.py commands, and sometimes even
>> their own view in order to support CSS compilers and other advanced
>> features.
> To me that sounds like a feature, not a bug.
> If staticfiles somehow gets in the way of any of that, then we'll fix it.

It does somewhat get in the way because apps that want to include
media files in their templates can't do it in a reusable way. Luckily
this is a rare case because you normally add the media in the base
template. The admin UI is an exception, though. In the end it's
probably an acceptable compromise to not have any official template


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