JB> As for database clustering, there's a philosophical issue here: Django
 JB> shouldn't need to know whether there's one database server behind it,
 JB> or five, or a hundred.

Shouldn't it?  In case of MySQL replication (which is quite widely used)
and transactions someone somehow *has* to decide where the whole
transaction is going - to a master or to a slave.

The most obvious candidate for "someone" is the developer and the
housekeeping stuff could be hidden in decorators.  I wrote a bit more on
this at [1] (no working code yet, sorry).

[1]  http://a.khavr.com/2007/10/01/how-to-use-mysql-replication-in-django/

Andrey V Khavryuchenko            
Django NewGate -  http://www.kds.com.ua/djiggit/
Chytach - http://www.chytach.com/

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