On 10/3/07, Andrey Khavryuchenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The only thing django app should know is that there are two different
> *kinds* of servers: read-only and whole access.  It doesn't matter how many
> servers you have - you may well have pool of masters and pool of slaves, it
> doesn't matter.

For *your* case. But remember that Django is expected to be generic
and broadly usable, which means that actually the decorators would
have to support, say, people who are sharding and want to have this
view write to that shard, and that view read from another, etc., etc.,
which means that your decorator scheme basically comes down, in the
end, to hard-coding database or cluster or shard names alongside each

And again, I'd argue that this isn't something the application layer
needs to know or should have to know.

> And, completely unrelated to above, some companies made *business* decision
> to use MySQL Replication widely.  So if django doesn't support it, no big
> projects using django.

You mean no projects using MySQL Replication, which is very, very,
VERY far from "no big projects" -- there are plenty of big projects
using Django, they're just using smarter DB setups. Personally, I
think MySQL's standard attitude of "well, just completely rewrite your
application when you need more than one database" is the thing that's
not suitable for big projects (where you need to be thinking about,
and planning for, configurable scaling across multiple machines from
the very start, not pausing and rewriting when it's necessary);
anybody who paid a consultant to get that recommendation should ask
for their money back.

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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