JB> On 10/2/07, Andrey Khavryuchenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >> Shouldn't it?  In case of MySQL replication (which is quite widely used)
 >> and transactions someone somehow *has* to decide where the whole
 >> transaction is going - to a master or to a slave.

 JB> In the case of MySQL, use MySQL Cluster, which designates a "SQL Node"
 JB> to receive the queries and route them through the cluster.

I know about MySQL Cluster.  The obvious disadvantage is that the whole
database should be in main memory.  Kiss goodbye to a bunch of cheap
servers sitting close to actual users.

There are also replication tweaks like multi-master replication, but they
are what they are - the tweaks.  If they break, you keep both pieces of
your db.

 >> The most obvious candidate for "someone" is the developer and the
 >> housekeeping stuff could be hidden in decorators.  I wrote a bit more on
 >> this at [1] (no working code yet, sorry).

 JB> So when you change the number of databases in your cluster, do you
 JB> also have to update *every* view in your application? 


The only thing django app should know is that there are two different
*kinds* of servers: read-only and whole access.  It doesn't matter how many
servers you have - you may well have pool of masters and pool of slaves, it
doesn't matter.

And, completely unrelated to above, some companies made *business* decision
to use MySQL Replication widely.  So if django doesn't support it, no big
projects using django.

Andrey V Khavryuchenko - http://a.khavr.com/
Django NewGate -  http://www.kds.com.ua/djiggit/
Chytach - http://www.chytach.com/

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