Am 03.10.2007 um 12:36 schrieb Andrey Khavryuchenko:

> I know about MySQL Cluster.  The obvious disadvantage is that the  
> whole
> database should be in main memory.  Kiss goodbye to a bunch of cheap
> servers sitting close to actual users.
> There are also replication tweaks like multi-master replication,  
> but they
> are what they are - the tweaks.  If they break, you keep both  
> pieces of
> your db.

It's possible to use circular replication together with some free  
load balancing software. Then there's MySQL Proxy that allows you to  
manipulate queries on their way to the server to implement load  
balancing and, in the near future, connection pooling. With the  
embedded lua engine, it should be even possible to do query  
redirection/filtering but I haven't investigated it yet. So I think  
that in the middle/long term there's no need to put more logic in  
this regard into Django.


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