To expand on what Kenneth just said:

It really depends on the individuals involved. I love the work my
primary designer does in Photoshop, but her HTML/CSS makes me cringe.
I got her to stop using GoLive to create these Tables From Hell (multi-
row/multi-col spans all over the place), but she is still weak on CSS
box model, good class name choices, etc., so her hand-coded stuff is
less than excellent. I could do it myself, but I have no love for
doing Photoshop => HTML/CSS work.

For our next project we're considering using an outside firm to do the
conversion. For example looks interesting.

After the initial conversion you have the ongoing problem of tweaking
the design. My normal designer seems to be OK with this and can color
inside the lines (i.e. conforming HTML/CSS) once someone else has
drawn them. On the other hand, I have one client who regularly
butchered existing templates, would check them in, push to staging,
not test, and then push to production. Gack. So I revoked his checkin
privileges. He plays with his local copy of the site and then has to
email me the files for approval.

One other observation: although Django templates have some nice
features, there are problems.

1. Anything more complicated than simple variable substitution (e.g.
for-loops, if-then-else) seems to confuse many Right Side of the Brain
people. I don't know any designers who say, "Neat! Now I can do
presentation logic in templates!"

2. But it's weak and clunky from a programmer point of view.

So I think my next project is going to be done in either Jinja or
(more likely) Mako templates.

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