On Tuesday, June 16, 2020 2:53:22 PM EDT ned+dm...@mrochek.com wrote:
> > In article 
<caba8r6s2jgafwhcfxwg7bjubfa_mbv9xmjqpcpsgjnrhnds...@mail.gmail.com> you 
> > >I for one am always amazed how much people use web forums, which are
> > >almost
> > >all universally worse at providing a reading interface or keeping people
> > >up-to-date on new messages... which might be why most of the one's I look
> > >at are nearly dead, maybe there are better ones that are active.
> > 
> > Well, there's Reddit, and um, er.  Flyertalk, I guess.
> > 
> > One thing web forum fans seem to miss is how poorly they scale. I
> > subscribe to at least 150 mailing lists, most of which are only active
> > occasionally. As mailing lists, that works fine. The busier ones go
> > into separate folders, less busy into a general folder, and MUAs tell
> > me which folders have new messages so I can scan through all of my
> > list mail about as fast as I can hit the tab key to move on to the
> > next message. This works equally well for public and private lists.
> > 
> > In theory RSS or Atom does this for web forums, in practice, it's
> > amazing how lousy their RSS support is and how lame RSS readers are
> > for public fora, and hopeless for private ones where you have to log in.
> And that assumes the site supports RSS/Atom. Many don't.
> The other problem with all of these tools is that someone else gets to
> decide how to organize your life. If you decide that two different fora
> should be grouped together, good luck getting your reader to do that for
> you.
> But Slack is the true nadir of usability in this regard. I have dozens of
> channels I need to monitor, the breakdown of same is not remotely aligned
> with how I would prefer to consume them. Add in a complete crap UI, and I
> honestly can't think of a mail UI I've used that's worse. Not ever.

It's like someone took IRC and decided to actively worsen it.

Scott K

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