On 12/1/20 7:41 PM, Dave Crocker wrote:
On 12/1/2020 7:03 PM, Steven M Jones wrote:
Rather that the Domain Owner is *requesting* whatever the Receiver
implements between rejecting the message and putting it in the inbox,
and is willing to apply.
Yes, but...
The premise that an author domain owner can, in any way, direct the
message disposition decisions of a receiving system is simply false.
It's false to a level of silliness, if one adequately considers the
complete independence of the receiver from the domain owner.
Yes, you are absolutely right. But this is why I wrote "requesting"
rather than "commanding (with all the guarantees King Canute had when he
commanded the tide to halt)" -- the latter phrasing is just /slightly/
too ponderous even for me... Does "requesting" really imply control over
the outcome, rather than the expression of a desire?
I'd frankly recommend changing the labels for these expressions, but
expect folk to argue that there is too much installed base and
operational history.
Ah, now maybe we're getting somewhere. But if you toss that notion out,
you have to follow up with an example or two. Which labels, and changing
them in what way?
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