Speaking as a participant:

On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 10:12 AM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:

> >       dmarc-version   = "v" *WSP "=" *WSP %x44 %x4d %x41 %x52 %x43 %x31
> Can we use RFC 7405?  It is more readable:
>          dmarc-version   = "v" *WSP "=" *WSP %s"DMARC1" ; case sensitive

+1 to what Les said about this particular ABNF.  RFC5234 (STD 68) says
string literals are not case sensitive; we can't just override that here
with a comment.

I would prefer this, if the goal is to make it readable:

dmarc-version = %x76 *WSP "=" *WSP %x44 %x4d %x41 %x52 %x43 %x31
        ; e.g., "v=DMARC1"

Note that the "v" up front in what we have now allows either case as well,
so that has to change to the hex notation to lock it down.

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