>> SSAC's Report on DNS Response Modification
>> http://www.icann.org/en/committees/security/sac032.pdf
> Indeed. Good document. There is no need to discuss about

> draft-livingood-dns-lie,

Is that really necessary?

> all the issues raised here in this WG were
> already in the SSAC document one year ago.

Indeed.  **However,** the SSAC document seems to me to speak to TLD
operators and registries, not ISPs.  To wit, please refer to page 16,
Preliminary Recommendations.  With the exception of recommendation #4, these
appear to me to all be related to actions by registrars and TLD operators.

And Preliminary Recommendation #4 states that "Third parties [defined in the
paper to include ISPs] should disclose that they practice NXDomain response
modification and provide opportunities for customers to opt out."

You may wish to note that I expand at length on this preliminary
recommendation from the SSAC paper in my draft.

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