On 3/19/2019 1:53 PM, Winfield, Alister wrote:
>     Third party DNS/DoH providers could probably block resolution of
>     phishing names or  botnet C&C names using the same methods as
>     enterprises do today, but the enterprise network will not be
>     informed that one of its devices just tried to contact a botnet
>     C&C. It would be very nice if the IETF standardized a way to do that.
> I don’t see why they wouldn’t, and I could easily envision them being
> obliged to do so in the future.
> They say to you IP a.b.c.d which sadly is the external IP on the NAT
> exiting the corporate network has a problem. So great one of
> potentially 1000’s of devices is infected but not really much better
> information than that. In effect exactly what most security operations
> teams assume is true every day of the week.
That when IPv6 sounds good...

-- Christian Huitema

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