On 21.02.20 10:08, Benno Overeinder wrote:
I am interested to learn what the problem is that the customer wants to
solve.  Quoting from the email from Evan Hunt in this thread: "CNAME at
the apex wasn't really the problem.  Getting browsers to display
content from the right CDN server was the problem."

If there is a specific use case for CNAME in the APEX (ANAME), I am
really interested to learn from this.


-- Benno

Hi Benno,

according to my colleagues, who are in contact with the customers, the use case is mostly in the context of CDNs. Some of them maintain a larger set of domains with alternate spellings of their product names, with different ccTLDs, some for promotions etc. The content for these domains are hosted by CDNs and not by us (we are not in that business right now). They want their domains to work also without a "www." prefix, and for now we use a web redirection service. This has some disadvantages, e.g. a "heavy" extra roundtrip to an HTTP server and in respect with HTTPS support. So our problem is exactly the "CNAME in the apex" problem. HTH.



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