On 10 Apr 2023, at 20:42, Mats Dufberg wrote:

Delegation is an entity consisting of a set of name servers and, in some cases, glue address records. One part of the delegation is to provide the path to the child zone content.

While this may be a convenient way to consider things in an
administrative overview, it seems to me to mask operational reality.
I have, or think I have, always understood the NS RRset at a zone
cut to advertise a set of delegations, each to a distinct server.

For the *delegation* to be lame it is not enough for one name server to be “broken”. The entire set must be such that the path to the child zone content is not available.

I don't know about that.  If I were to injure one leg, the remaining
good one wouldn't eliminate my lameness.

For individual name servers it could be meaningful that say that it is a *lame name server* in relation to a certain zone.

I disagree. A delegation involves at least two parties. At one level,
a delegation is a contract, or chain of contracts, between registrant
and name-service provider. At another, it is an advertisement at a
zone cut and a corresponding configuration of a server and its path
to the public network. A lame delegation arises when these aspects
(respectively contractual and operational) of the delegation are
mismatched. I think that the term "lame name server" prejudices
analysis towards one end of the relationship.

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