Hi Terry,

> For those who haven't spotted this yet, and if you have the time, (1
> hr 20 mins actually), get over to http://wave.google.com/ and have a
> look at Google's latest product, due for launch later this year.

I've not managed to do that, even now.  Partly it's the amount of time
required, and partly that I tend to find videos provide a low signal to
noise and I'm stuck at their speed.  The written word can be more useful
and I've just read http://mashable.com/2009/05/28/google-wave-guide/
which seems to explain some of it quite well.  How much it's missed out,
I obviously don't know.  :-)

So if there's others like me who'd like to know what it's all about, and
whether to invest 100 minutes of your time in the video, that may be
worth a read first.



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