2009/6/10 Ralph Corderoy <ra...@inputplus.co.uk>:
> I've not managed to do that, even now.  Partly it's the amount of time
> required, and partly that I tend to find videos provide a low signal to
> noise and I'm stuck at their speed.  The written word can be more useful
> and I've just read http://mashable.com/2009/05/28/google-wave-guide/
> which seems to explain some of it quite well.  How much it's missed out,
> I obviously don't know.  :-)
> So if there's others like me who'd like to know what it's all about, and
> whether to invest 100 minutes of your time in the video, that may be
> worth a read first.

Hi Ralph,

Seems like others have had the same issue ("80 minutes!?") as there is
a "Readers' Digest Condensed" version (more just someone's selected
highlights, actually) at [1]. Although TBH I don't know how useful the
video snippets would be on their own if you hadn't already seen the
full length version.

OT, I think I do tend to agree with you about the effectiveness of the
medium - you can't easily 'skim' a video ;-)

But OTOH [2] I've just downloaded an open source software package
(Kompozer) and found myself  looking for a nice entry level 'howto'
video on the web rather than a user guide doc... hey well, nobody's
consistent *all* the time!

[2] wow. what an acronym-fest. Three in one message.

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