Hi Sterling and allthe other Drakesters -- All the other posts represent
my feelings exactly. I have owned 4, 3 at present.1 mobile, 1 on op
desk. 1/2 of power switch (ac) died on #396. I put ac on dc half, dc
leads connected together. Now I switch power on with power strip to save
the remaining half.

If you just want something else, I would highly suggest Ten-Tec.Their
radios and service are gerat, even on OLD radios. Mine is Omni VI+.

73, Ariel, k4aal

Sterling Garwood wrote:
> I have a 7 line (TR-7, R-7, MN-2700, RV-75, MS-7) ... I use them every
> day as my primary rig. I am starting to get nervous about
> maintainability.
> Should I sell them and get something for a company still in the
> business (Ten-Tec or Kenwood)?
> I can find and fix problems if I can get parts....the parts issue
> worries me.
> What have other hams on Drakelist done?
> S. L. Garwood
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