Just consider how hard it is going to be in a few years to get a
replacement custom programmed microprocessor chip for
the whizbang modern radio.  Even if you can find the right
chip, there is no way to get it programmed.  Finding even the
"rare" discrete components for the Drakes will be a piece of
cake compared to finding proprietary parts.  Just ask anyone
who has tried to repair a late model piece of surplus test
gear from HP or Tek.  If a custom part goes out, all you have
left is a pile of junk.  We will be fixing these good old radios 
for a long time after the modern stuff is rusting in a landfill.

You have a great setup.  Enjoy it.

James True N5ARW
in beautiful Hot Springs National Park, AR

On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 15:50:53 -0500, Sterling Garwood wrote:

>I have a 7 line (TR-7, R-7, MN-2700, RV-75, MS-7) ... I use them every 
>day as my primary rig. I am starting to get nervous about 
>Should I sell them and get something for a company still in the 
>business (Ten-Tec or Kenwood)?
>I can find and fix problems if I can get parts....the parts issue 
>worries me.
>What have other hams on Drakelist done?
>S. L. Garwood

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