On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 07:46, Brian Paul wrote:
> Bret Towe wrote:
> > On Tue, 2002-11-05 at 16:39, Brian Paul wrote:
> > 
> >>Bret Towe wrote:
> >>
> >>>i recently grabed the mesa 4.1 branch to test out
> >>>mainly to see if the multitexture problem with
> >>>celestia was fixed also to see how it looked anyhow after
> >>>seeing celestia crash as per the norm i tried using the
> >>>LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 with celestia and it crashs x
> >>>everytime for me i would of tested more apps to see
> >>>how consistent it is but i get sick of x dieing like that
> >>>for very long so i left it alone
> >>>in the mornin(for me anyhow) ill try out a few more apps
> >>>if you need more info or logs etc let me know ill see it
> >>>when i check my mail in the morn
> >>
> >>I just tried celestia with the 4.1 branch (indirect rendering).
> >>It came up fine and I pressed 'd' to run the demo.  Eventually,
> >>celestia crashed.  Looks like a problem in celestia, not Mesa
> >>or GLX or DRI.
> >>
> > 
> > that crash was prob the multitexture problem that somethin has no clue
> > what any more
> What???

ignore me im just a confused luser ;P

> >>The text in the corners of the window isn't legible.  I don't
> >>know if it's drawn with glBitmap or texture or what so I'm
> >>not sure what the problem is.
> >>
> >>-Brian
> > 
> > i dunno maybe its just cause im using some optimization under gcc 3.2
> > (-mcpu=athlon -march=athlon -pipe) 
> In any case, I found a few problems.  Celestia is now working with
> indirect rendering perfectly.  Here's the story:
> 1. A few functions in Mesa were no-ops, such as glGenTexturesEXT and
>     glIsTextureEXT.  The non-EXT versions were fine.  The net effect was
>     that the array of texture object IDs was left uninitialized.  Many
>     were zero so texture images (the Celestia text) was clobbering each
>     other.
>     I've checked in the fix for this to the Mesa and DRI cvs trees.
> 2. Celestia declares function pointers such as glActiveTextureARB that
>     are identical to OpenGL function names.  Somewhere along the line
>     the linker gets them confused, leading to segfaults.

ahh now that i know whats causing the problem i can see about making a
patch for it :)

Thanks for the help
> I think it's imperative that we get the word out to OpenGL developers:
> "Do NOT declare function pointers which are identical to OpenGL function
> names!!!!".  You're asking for trouble if you do.
> You wouldn't declare a function pointer called "printf", would you?
> It's the same issue.
> I'll send a note to the Celestia people to see if they'll fix this.
> -Brian

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