On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 2:57 PM, Richard Sims <r...@bu.edu> wrote:
> Shibboleth configuration has greatly changed since DSpace 1.7. In 3.x there 
> is configuration File [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-shibboleth.cfg. 
> In it, there is a lazysession.loginurl parameter. Unfortunately, there is no 
> useful documentation on the parameter so as to provide any perspective or 
> guidance on what value to provide, saying only that it is "The url to start a 
> shibboleth session". And no customer examples can be found on the Web.

Hi Richard,

in fact, there were no code changes to the Shibboleth module between
DSpace 1.8.2 and 3.0, which you can verify using:
git diff dspace-1.8.2 dspace-3.0 --

There is also documentation about lazy sessions and it includes the
authentication.shib.lazysession.loginurl parameter:

If you need to find out the exact mechanism how it works in DSpace,
you can look at the source (the auth modules are very self-contained):

There is some more documentation about lazy sessions here:


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