On Tue, 11 Jun 2013, Mark H. Wood wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 06:39:54PM +0000, Pottinger, Hardy J. wrote:
>> To anyone following along, Ben Ryan's description below is spot-on. It
>> would be worth copying part of his message into the documentation. If I
>> feel sufficiently full of pique, I might do so myself, though my day is
>> pretty full of distractions already... I won't be offended if someone
>> beats me to it.
> OK, I may be dense this week, but I'm still uncertain.  This is a good
> explanation of how Shibboleth lazy login works, but I still don't see
> the one thing that a DSpace installer wants to know:
>  What is the algorithm for calculating the proper value for
>  lazysession.loginurl, at my site, from my site's Apache configuration
>  (which may be different from yours and everyone else's) and my site's
>  Shibboleth configuration (which also may be different from yours and
>  everyone else's)?  What files do I need to read, what values should
>  I look for, and how do I combine them to yield this local-path that
>  DSpace wants?
> The answer to that question would be proper documentation for this
> feature of DSpace.

I believe that the two shib admins who have spoken up (Ben / I ) have
said this already..

lazysessions in the shib world is a way to tell the web container
(apache) that we are using shibboleth for authn/z withOUT requiring a
login right away.

A lazy sesision configured <Location> block is as follows..

<Location />
  AuthType shibboleth
  ShibRequestSetting requireSession 0
  Require shibboleth

The default (always works) way to get a shib session flow started when
using the Shibboleth SP is hitting the following URL


I would guess the algorithm for calculating is .. :-)

   protocol + site + shibboleth handler + Login


Once you are returned from that back to the dspace env/app it is assumed
that the REMOTE_USER and any other headers are able to be pulled out by
the dspace login routines or, that it (dspace) will be looking for them


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