Thanks for your quick response...

On Jun 10, 2013, at 9:28 AM, helix84 <>

> On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 2:57 PM, Richard Sims <> wrote:
>> Shibboleth configuration has greatly changed since DSpace 1.7. In 3.x there 
>> is configuration File [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-shibboleth.cfg. 
>> In it, there is a lazysession.loginurl parameter. Unfortunately, there is no 
>> useful documentation on the parameter so as to provide any perspective or 
>> guidance on what value to provide, saying only that it is "The url to start 
>> a shibboleth session". And no customer examples can be found on the Web.
> Hi Richard,
> in fact, there were no code changes to the Shibboleth module between
> DSpace 1.8.2 and 3.0, which you can verify using:
> git diff dspace-1.8.2 dspace-3.0 --
> dspace-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/authenticate/

As I indicated, I have been attempting to bring our 1.7 implementation up to a 
3.1 level. Across that void there have been substantial changes.

> There is also documentation about lazy sessions and it includes the
> authentication.shib.lazysession.loginurl parameter:

That is the documentation I was referencing. It is useless as to this 
parameter. And its only example is:
   lazysession.loginurl = /Shibboleth.sso/Login
where it is obviously the case that the value is not a URL (no protocol spec up 
front). The example only obfuscates things further.
Attempting to use the file as-is results in the Web browser getting:
   HTTP Status 404 - /Shibboleth.sso/Login
Changing the parameter value and restarting HTTPD and Tomcat make no 
difference: the error content is exactly the same.

> If you need to find out the exact mechanism how it works in DSpace,
> you can look at the source (the auth modules are very self-contained):

Please don't expect DSpace adopters to be Java programmers. It's bad enough 
that mortals have to delve into trees of XML files to make intricate changes.
There needs to be straight-up, useful documentation of DSpace parameters. No 
one should have to spend hours trying to divine what cryptic parameters are all 
about. And I say this as someone who has been doing systems work and 
documentation for 30 years.
Frankly, I'm appalled at how primitive DSpace is, and what people have to go 
through to tailor it. This is not 21st century stuff - it's more like what we 
went through in the 1980s to configure systems. DSpace is giving open source 
software a bad reputation in having gross deficiencies like this.

> There is some more documentation about lazy sessions here:

Again, this is not explaining the DSpace parameter, and is not a substitute for 
DSpace documentation imparting understanding as it is supposed to.

If someone on the mailing list understands this parameter, I would appreciate 
receiving some perspective on it.

> Regards,
> ~~helix84
> Compulsory reading: DSpace Mailing List Etiquette

Richard Sims
Sr. Systems Engineer, Information Services & Technology
Boston University
T (617)353-8249

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