On Mon, 10 Jun 2013, Mark H. Wood wrote:

> So, from the DSpace installer's POV, the doco. should answer the
> question: how do I generate the proper value for this variable?  That
> does seem to take some reading between the lines.  The DSpace source
> doesn't really help much here.  You have to look at the way that
> Shibboleth is plumbed into your web server.
> There seems to be an assumption that Apache HTTPD is used.  My best

You will most certainly be using Apache as a front to tomcat/jetty if
you are using or relying on the Shibboleth SP.

> guess is that the value for lazysession.loginurl can be calculated by
> finding something in the HTTPD configuration that looks like:
>  <Location /Shibboleth.sso>
>    SetHandler shib
>  </Location>
> taking the argument to <Location> and appending "/Login".
> Can someone confirm that this is How To Do It? or supply the correct
> procedure?  I'd be happy to fix the DSpace documentation once I am
> confident that I know what it should say.

I've always assumed (yea-yea) that if your running Shib for your login
you have some local resources to fall back on, local or back to the shib

The concept of 'lazy login' comes into play if you have a website that in
general does NOT need to be user/pass protected -- ie: searchable by the
world etc. But, has some areas that need to have authn/z to function.

So we are left with a protection example that looks like this in apache

<!-- -->
<!-- Lazily protect the entire dspace site -->
<!-- -->
<Location />
   AuthType Shibboleth
   ShibRequestSetting requireSession 0
   Require shibboleth

Your entry in to the dspace config would be that of the SP login
initiator.. which by default is http(s)://<site>/Shibboleth.sso/Login

This tells the shib-sp to kick off a login event which, directs to IdP
or discovery page..

So, I'm purely guessing here that, in dspace 3 you are calling the
initiator directly, hence the config entry, to get the login started 
rather than relying on an Apache <Location> block specific to where the 
shibboleth login code will be waiting.


Contrast the older model..
In 1.7 era (which I'm still using) you protect a Dspace location
"/shibboleth-login" which gets the login rolling and is able to parse
out the return data from the headers.

example of 1.7 ish

<Location /shibboleth-login>
   AuthType shibboleth
   ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
   ShibUseHeaders On
   Require affiliation "member"


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