Mobile duplexers work very well.

Repeaters have been built for years with the mobile duplexers inside the 
repeater enclosure with very good performance.  If replacing the cables and 
moving outside I would think the cables were the problem and not where the 
duplexer was.

Since you replaced the cables this is probably the solution and not the moving 
the duplexer outside.  This tells me the repeater had poor cables to start with.

73, ron, n9ee/r

>From: Nate Duehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 2008/06/27 Fri AM 01:59:59 EDT
>Subject: Re: [dstar_digital] Re: Inside Chassis coax - lossy

>On Jun 26, 2008, at 1:15 PM, Mike wrote:
>> Also the UK 70cms module came with a ready pre-tuned duplexer that was
>> mounted inside the case, as soon as we moved it outside of the case
>> and
>> fed it direct with decent coax the difference was unbelievable in
>> sensitivity.

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