On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Robin Cotgrove <ro...@rjcnet.co.uk> wrote:
> Sorry guys. Swap is not the issue. We've had this confirmed by Oracle and I 
> can clearly see there is 96GB of swap awailable on the system and ~50GB of 
> main memory.

By who at Oracle?  Not everyone is equally qualified.  I would tend to
trust Jim Mauro (who co-wrote the books[1] on Solaris internals,
performance, & dtrace) over most of the people you will get to through
normal support channels.

1. http://www.amazon.com/Jim-Mauro/e/B001ILM8NC/

How do you know that available swap doesn't momentarily drop?  I've
run into plenty of instances where a system has tens of gigabytes of
free memory but is woefully short on reservable swap (virtual memory,
as Jim approximates).  Usually "vmstat 1" is helpful in observing
spikes, but as I said before this could miss very short spikes.  If
you've already done this to see that swap is unlikely to be an issue,
knowing that would be useful to know.  If you are measuring the amount
of reservable swap with "swap -l", you are doing it wrong.

I do agree that there can be other shortfalls that can cause this.
This may call for speculative tracing of stacks across the fork entry
and return calls, displaying results only when the fork fails with
EAGAIN.  Jim's second script is similar to what I suggest, except that
it doesn't show the code path taken between syscall::forksys:entry and

Also, I would be a little careful running the second script as is for
long periods of time if you have a lot of forksys activity with unique
stacks.  I think that as it is @ks may grow rather large over time
because the successful forks are not cleared.

Mike Gerdts
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