A recent S10 kernel patch *drastically* reduced the time consumed
by ::memstat. On large systems, it will often take just a minute
or two. I just tried it on a lightly loaded 512GB M9K and it was
less than 3 minutes.


On 10/29/10 03:55 PM, Phil Harman wrote:
Oracle often seems to recommend 1:1 (which is often not enough, especially with 
DISM). You don't even have 1:1.

Solaris also uses free memory as part of its swap space allocation. Locked 
memory, such as ISM/DISM eats free memory, and so reduces your available swap 

You should confirm that DISM is off by running "pmap -x" against a process from each of 
your DBs (the shared memory should appear as "ism")

Commands like "swap -s" and good ol' "vmstat 5" are useful for monitoring swap. You should 
also run "echo :: memstat | mdb -k" from time to time to get a feel for hiw your RAM is being used" 
(on large machines, I've seen it take up to an hour to complete, and it will hig a CPU for the duration, but it 
seems to have little other impact on the system).

On 29 Oct 2010, at 23:37, Robin Cotgrove<ro...@rjcnet.co.uk>  wrote:

This is what Oracle says about swap for 11gR2. The
comment about
subtracting ISM is not
correct. A simple test shows that ISM does consume
swap (even if it's
not DISM). Think
about what happens when a memory segment is created
(before it goes to
ISM), if someone
happens to attach in non-ISM mode and when everyone
detaches from the
segment and it
ceases to be ISM). In the first and last stage swap
space is *required*
and the VM system
reserves the space needed when the segment is first
I agree with you. In our case disabling the use of DISM really helped to make 
the platform more stable and helped with overall memory usage.

By the way, we using Oracle No use of Oracle 11gR2 yet.

We have 192GB of physical memory and 96GB of swap device. The SGA/PGA  sizes of 
all the Oracle DB's fit well within the 192GB leaving a consistent ~50GB spare. 
Memory consumption stays stable on the platform and doesn't go up and down. 
This is the nature of the Oracle DB's allocating memory at start-up.

I would be cautious about Oracle assurances...

go to the following for full list of available
oracle book.

which links to the 11gr2 install guide
Db install guides

which links to the following section on memory


2.2.1 Memory Requirements

The following are the memory requirements for
installing Oracle
Database 11g Release 2.


      At least 4 GB of RAM

      To determine the RAM size, enter the
following command:
# /usr/sbin/prtconf | grep "Memory size"

If the size of the RAM is less than the required
size, then you must
install more memory before continuing.


      The following table describes the
relationship between installed
RAM and the configured swap space recommendation:

      On Solaris, if you use non-swappable memory,
like ISM, then you
should deduct the memory allocated to this space
from the available
RAM before calculating swap space.
      RAM     Swap Space
      Between 4 GB and 16 GB     Equal to the size
of RAM
      More than 16 GB     16 GB

On 10/29/2010 2:01 PM, Jim Mauro wrote:
Thanks Mike. Good point on the script.

Indeed, use of speculative tracing would be a
fit here. I'll see if I can get something together
send it out.


On Oct 29, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Mike Gerdts wrote:

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Robin
Cotgrove<ro...@rjcnet.co.uk>   wrote:
Sorry guys. Swap is not the issue. We've had this
confirmed by Oracle and I can clearly see there is
96GB of swap awailable on the system and ~50GB of
main memory.
By who at Oracle?  Not everyone is equally
qualified.  I would tend to
trust Jim Mauro (who co-wrote the books[1] on
Solaris internals,
performance,&   dtrace) over most of the people you
will get to through
normal support channels.

1. http://www.amazon.com/Jim-Mauro/e/B001ILM8NC/

How do you know that available swap doesn't
momentarily drop?  I've
run into plenty of instances where a system has
tens of gigabytes of
free memory but is woefully short on reservable
swap (virtual memory,
as Jim approximates).  Usually "vmstat 1" is
helpful in observing
spikes, but as I said before this could miss very
short spikes.  If
you've already done this to see that swap is
unlikely to be an issue,
knowing that would be useful to know.  If you are
measuring the amount
of reservable swap with "swap -l", you are doing
it wrong.
I do agree that there can be other shortfalls that
can cause this.
This may call for speculative tracing of stacks
across the fork entry
and return calls, displaying results only when the
fork fails with
EAGAIN.  Jim's second script is similar to what I
suggest, except that
it doesn't show the code path taken between
syscall::forksys:entry and

Also, I would be a little careful running the
second script as is for
long periods of time if you have a lot of forksys
activity with unique
stacks.  I think that as it is @ks may grow rather
large over time
because the successful forks are not cleared.

Mike Gerdts
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James Litchfield | Senior Consultant
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<div id="jive-html-wrapper-div">

This is what Oracle says about swap for 11gR2.
The comment about
   subtracting ISM is not<br>
correct. A simple test shows that ISM does consume
swap (even if
   it's not DISM). Think<br>
about what happens when a memory segment is created
(before it goes
   to ISM), if someone<br>
happens to attach in non-ISM mode and when everyone
detaches from
   the segment and it<br>
ceases to be ISM). In the first and last stage swap
space is
   *required* and the VM system<br>
reserves the space needed when the segment is first
I would be cautious about Oracle assurances...<br>
<blockquote type="cite">go to the following for
full list of
     available oracle book.<br>
<a moz-do-not-send="true"

      which links to the 11gr2 install guide<br>
Db install guides<br>
<a moz-do-not-send="true"
which links to the following section on memory
<a moz-do-not-send="true"
      2.2.1 Memory Requirements<br>
The following are the memory requirements for
installing Oracle
     Database 11g Release 2.<br>
     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; *<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; At least 4 GB of
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To determine the RAM
size, enter the following command:<br>
# /usr/sbin/prtconf | grep "Memory size"<br>
If the size of the RAM is less than the required
size, then you
     must install more memory before continuing.<br>
     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; *<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The following
table describes the relationship between
installed RAM and the configured swap space
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Note:<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; On Solaris, if
you use non-swappable memory, like ISM, then
you should deduct the memory allocated to this
space from the
available RAM before calculating swap space.
RAM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Swap Space<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Between 4 GB and
16 GB&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Equal to the size of
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; More than 16
GB&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 16 GB</blockquote>
On 10/29/2010 2:01 PM, Jim Mauro wrote:

<pre wrap="">Thanks Mike. Good point on the script.

Indeed, use of speculative tracing would be a better
fit here. I'll see if I can get something together
send it out.


On Oct 29, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Mike Gerdts wrote:

      <blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Robin
Cotgrove<a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E"
k&gt;</a>  wrote:
        <blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Sorry guys. Swap is not the issue.
We've had this confirmed by Oracle and I can clearly
see there is 96GB of swap awailable on the system
and ~50GB of main memory.
<pre wrap="">
By who at Oracle?  Not everyone is equally qualified.
I would tend to
rust Jim Mauro (who co-wrote the books[1] on Solaris
performance,&amp; dtrace) over most of the people
you will get to through
normal support channels.

1.<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"

How do you know that available swap doesn't
momentarily drop?  I've
run into plenty of instances where a system has tens
of gigabytes of
free memory but is woefully short on reservable swap
(virtual memory,
as Jim approximates).  Usually "vmstat 1" is helpful
in observing
spikes, but as I said before this could miss very
short spikes.  If
you've already done this to see that swap is unlikely
to be an issue,
knowing that would be useful to know.  If you are
measuring the amount
of reservable swap with "swap -l", you are doing it

I do agree that there can be other shortfalls that
can cause this.
This may call for speculative tracing of stacks
across the fork entry
and return calls, displaying results only when the
fork fails with
EAGAIN.  Jim's second script is similar to what I
suggest, except that
it doesn't show the code path taken between
syscall::forksys:entry and

Also, I would be a little careful running the second
script as is for
long periods of time if you have a lot of forksys
activity with unique
stacks.  I think that as it is @ks may grow rather
large over time
because the successful forks are not cleared.

Mike Gerdts
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