It's hard to explain, but there are those of us who like to work every country
on every possible band/mode combination.  It's a sickness, I'll admit it.

Here's how I think of the colors (sorry, no priority numbers for me):

DU9RG is spotted on 40 meter CW.  I have never worked DU on 40 meters, so the
spot is bright red.  So I work him for a new one.  Now if DU9/N0NM is later
spotted on 40 meter CW, the spot will be light red (worked but not confirmed on
this band).  Doesn't matter if it's spotted on SSB, same will apply, since it's
not confirmed on this band.

Now I finally get a card from DU9RG, so spots of DU on 40 meters will NEVER be
red again.  My DXCC award (band) requirements are now satisfied.  If DU9/N0NM
is spotted on 40 meter CW, it will be black (new station but already confirmed
on this band/mode). If he's spotted on 40 meter SSB instead, the spot will be
light green (not worked or confirmed on this band/mode combination).  If I work
him, and DU9RG is now spotted on 40 meter SSB, *that* spot will ALSO be light
green, because it's not confirmed, even though it's already been worked (Paul's
logic: not worked *or* confirmed).  Once I confirm a DU on 40 meter SSB, there
should be no more green spots of DU on 40 meters (unless one shows up on
RTTY...).  However, none of these count towards any award, since I already have
DU9RG confirmed on 20 meters.

This argument is irrelevant, by the way, if you had never worked a DU on SSB. 
In that case, the DU on 40m SSB spot would have been bright blue (new all-time
mode) instead of light green.  If you work him, other DU spots on 40 meter SSB
will be light blue (worked on this mode but not confirmed).  REGARDLESS OF
have priority over needed BANDS.  If the only DU you have ever worked on 40
meters is on SSB, and it'a an all-time new mode, then a spot of a DU on 40
meter CW will be light red - worked but not confirmed on this band (due to the
SSB QSO).  Mode doesn't enter into the picture (unless you have never worked DU
on CW).

One way to be less confused is to think of light green meaning "Not confirmed
on this Band/Mode combination".  So it may be worked, may not be worked. 
There's no way to tell from the spot colorization.  Some people care about this
distinction, I personally don't.  The spots used to be light blue in this case
with 5.03, but now they're light green.  Different color, but same problem.  Is
it worth making a bright green for the not worked and not confirmed case?  I
don't really think so.  I think it would stand out TOO MUCH, moreso than the
attention it deserves, because the band award requirements have already been
satisfied (if not, it would be light red, not light green).

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
PGP Fingerprint: D8E2 3D78 339F A7F1 8C13  1193 B5D1 4FB6 79D1 70DC

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