It doesn't matter how much money is in e-gold, it will never be "real"
currency until it is recognized as such by governments.  The unfortunate
fact is based on the tax code which mades every single transaction involving
e-gold a capital gains or loss incurring transaction.

If I buy a book that costs me $25.00, I sell so much e-gold to acquire
$25.00 in currency.  That transaction must be tracked along with every
single e-gold transaction for potential capital gains and losses.  For an
individual to do so is almost impossible, but the possibility of the
government really being concerned is minimal.  However, for a legitimate tax
paying business, (I'm not even going to think about a public company) to do
business in e-gold on any other terms other than very large transactions is
impossible.  The complex accounting requirements would cost a company too
much money to justify accepting e-gold.

Now offshore companies that are tax free, and individuals and companies that
have no compunction about defying tax laws can use e-gold without too much
trouble, but I can't see it being useful for everyday commerce.

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 16:21:17 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  CCS wrote:
>  > 
>  > I did a little research.  I did a simple search of the web
>  > for "e-gold".  It returned over 3000 hits.  Looking at the
>  > first 20 hits there were 4 obvious scams (and 4 other ads for
>  > internet gambling sites).  If this extrapolates to the whole
>  > sample then there would be over 600 scams involving e-gold.
>  > 
>  > It gives one pause.  A substantial part of the growth in e-gold
>  > activity may be driven by scamsters.
>  > 
>  > CCS
>  But, when total accounts, or better yet, funded accounts get up
>  around a million, watch regular businesses sit up and take
>  notice. ; ) What's that, about a little over a year from now
>  for total accounts and 2+ years for funded accounts? Roughly
>  speaking.
>  Bob
>  -- 
>  650C 51DA 734F 697F 5706 3D6A 7712 BCC9 D1AE 00BA
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