The issue of whether e-gold is valid currency is not the issue.  It is the
very fact that it might be treated as such that gives problems.  

And even if you cleared out the e-gold on each transaction, it is just too
complex an accounting problem for serious businesses to deal with.  With the
caveat being tax-exempt businesses and transactions.

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 15:52:11 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  > I guess what I meant by "recognition" and as I think about it I realize
>  > is a bad choice, is the IRS would recognize the receipt of e-gold as an
>  > income transaction and not a capital transaction.  If you could treat
>  > in e-gold as income instead of worrying about capital gains and losses,
>  > would not be a problem.
>  >
>  > Glencannon Group Ltd.
>  > 
>  The problem isn't that receiving 1.00 in e-gold isn't considered income.
>  The problem is that USD flucuates against 1.00 in e-gold. This is what
>  capital gains/losses are.
>  It is the same situation if you hold onto GBP, JPY, CHF, etc... The USD
>  flucuates against them as well. The IRS doesn't claim that they aren't
>  valid currencies.
>  The only way to get rid of the capital gains/losses problem is to peg
>  of e-gold to x amount of USD.
>  OR... 
>  You could just clear out your account at every possible instant. That way
>  you can still accept e-gold, but not have the problem of capital
>  gains/losses.
>  Viking Coder
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