Dale wrote:
>Not so (in my case anyway). I went around and around with my bank
about the SS#
illegal requirement. The bank is bound by their contract with the FED
system to
acquire the SS# or they are fined as per their private contract.
Eventually I
relented because I needed to conduct business - kind of a survival
cop-out to my
own principles about preserving my own business as my own business and
business with those who break the law on purpose and FORCE others to
go along.

Ok, no problem there, you ARE concerned about your privacy, BUT (by
your own admission), you were "persuaded" by force of circumstance to
comply to the invasive ID requirements. That is precisely my point,
few people would probably even go to the lengths you did, and to
operate in the existing system, one MUST (to a certain extent) toe the

>What I am interested in is helping to develop a viable and legal
>the crooked pirate scheme of the FED et al. This is NOT in defiance
of the
>system but is a reach for freedom and privacy (to be left alone and
in peace) -
>things not respected or valued by the system.

The viable and legal alternative is already there; it's called e-gold!
No need for ID or reputation to know a payment is good etc.... So, all
we do is we have one life that operates WITHIN the (FED etc.) system
as far as is necessary to do business with the uninitiated, and we
have another life that operates OUTSIDE in the "free" world as far as
is practical.... as the "free" world gets stronger, our involvement
shifts more and more out of the "system".... its not really that

Have a great new year!



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