> > > > E-Gold needs to identify account owners too. I don't know if they
> > > > plan to do this, but I would like to see some sort of 'low balance
> > > > limit' on accounts whose owners cannot be identified with certainty.
> > >
> > > That would be the END of e-gold.
> >
> > Why?

> Because the value of e-gold derives from its utility as a means
> that enables individuals to trade freely in defiance of the
> state.  It would cease to be useful for this purpose if submission
> to the state, which is what identification amounts to, is required
> as a condition of using the system.

Gad! I don't see it that way at all. The purpose of e-gold is to create an
international internet currency, NOT to defy the state. There are so many
good things that can be done with a digital, gold-backed, currency that
there should be no NEED or DESIRE to defy the state.

I am somewhat appalled by your comments. Don't take that personally. I am
just quite surprised that you want to trade in 'defiance' of the state. If
e-gold becomes a token for that sort of activity, I believe that the 'state'
will shut them down.


Craig Haynie

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