> Limited mentality... I'm sure you're doing your best though. Insults such as
> this are completely uncalled for and prove nothing other than your limited
> ability to communicate without attacking.

I couldn't have said it better; about you that is.

We have tried to calmly answer your sincere question with as much tact as
possible. Providing remedies to the issue you mentioned and trying to help
you understand why you are mistaken. However, when you didn't like the
answer, you started bashing us.

By the way, I do remember where I came from. I do remember my times as a
fledgling neophyte. I watched, researched, and learned. I also made lots
of mistakes, and learned from them. Whenever I came across, or come across
today or tomorrow, anything I didn't completely understand, I asked
intelligent questions (without ** SHOUTING **!!!). This has nothing to do
with sitting high in a glass tower and laughing at the poor scrambling
novices. This is about telling you that you have the wrong concept in your
head. You seem to mistake constructive criticism with attacking and petty
name calling, and a secure solution with a novice-proof solution. Neither
of which hardly ever go hand in hand.

> YES! The default sci with, and I repeat, NO EXTRAS!

Guns are pretty useless without extras. However, when you add the correct
extras - bullets - they become marvelous ways to protect yourself.
However, even with the correct extras, guns still have a major security
flaw. Namely, the gun owner. Unless the owner is skilled, the gun is still
very dangerous to it's owner as it gives a false sense of security.

The SCI is in the Developer's Section for a reason. It should only be
utilized by developers. Do you see the connection? Developers go into the
Developer's Section. A novice webmaster is not the same as a competent
developer. Just like a novice doctor is not the same as a competent

The SCI is not meant to be used without extras if the intended use is
instant gratification commerce. A novice webmaster can copy the "default"
SCI and then manually verify payment from the SCI notification email.
After completing payment, their user sees a 'Thank you' page with
instructions to wait for delivery of the product they paid for.

Any novice webmaster who puts the link to their product in the SCI form is
the same as a novice shopkeeper who puts the small, high-value merchandise
outside the store (with no extra forms of security) and waits for people
to come inside to pay for it. It is not the building architect's fault
that the shopkeeper is getting robbed.

Again, I must point out a vital fact to you. In the "default" SCI, both
NOPAYMENT_URL and PAYMENT_URL point to the same page. It is the same page
that is holding the SCI form in the first place. If you cannot grasp the
concept that NOPAYMENT_URL and PAYMENT_URL should point to a 'thank you'
page, and are unwilling to do as "You are encouraged [and] read the
complete specification to learn about the other features the e-gold
shopping cart offers", then you should not play around with fire, because
you will get burned.

It is not the architect's fault, or the door's fault, if an inexperienced
house-owner has his possessions stolen because he did not lock the
reinforced, multiple dead-bolt front door that the architect designed.
"Reinforced, dead-bolted doors have a ** HUGH ** security flaw!!!"

> p.s. It does now seem that there is quite a bit of DISCUSSION going on now
> on this very topic. It's nice to see that my point has gotten across to
> some...

If your point is that you don't know what you're talking about, then yes -
it has gotten across.

Viking Coder

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