> > What do you mean by pay their taxes? What taxes are they paying?
> Gordon, I meant *you* pay more for having your servers in Sealand, than you
> would pay having the servers in Panama; and I said *if* their fees are
> higher. So, having your servers in Sealand is like paying the same thing as
> in Panama plus taxes as a Sealand citizen.

You can't call it taxes. What it really means is that they have higher overheads and 
pass them along to the client, or maybe they
say that and just pocket the money.

Besides, for the end-user doesn't
> matter if Sealand uses microwaves or smoke to get the job done, but the fact
> that clients pay for that.

Sure... but it is not a tax. Taxes are forced upon you to pay for who knows what. You 
have a choice to host with Havenco. You could
argue you have a choice to pay taxes also, but this is not the same thing.

> Jim, private schools, private hospitals are not for everybody. Again, I am
> talking about the world in general, not USA.
> > Also, note that HavenCo recently had to deal with a bout of what their
> technical people (Ryan Lackey's successors) believed was intentional jamming
> of their shore-to-ship microwave transmitters.
> They should try lasers, but I don't know if there is any satellite with a
> laser link. There was another idea for hyperdense data transmission, but
> that's far into the future: soliton* waves.

Lasers are used all the time for data transmission especially in areas with high 
buildings. The beam data back and forth between
buildings aand on private networks in a line of site fashion.

> > Property tax is spent on schools, hospitals, roads etc... not income tax.
> I was referring to the entire world, not the USA. As I don't live in USA
> (nor do I want to), it's important for me why taxes are paid, in general, in
> any country. Basically, not the taxes are the problem, but those who decide
> how they are spent (and how much to tax, and what to tax).

ok. I think taxes are a problem, the way they are used is a problem and the desicion 
makers who encroach on my personal freedoms are
a problem as well.


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