Hello Gordon,

As you have an inside track and I don't (anymore), I will refrain from
disputing anything that has to do with day to day going ons in Sealand.

However, your explanations and suggestions do not address the two root
problems of it all.
- Sealand claims souvereignity but has no commercial code that would
establish rules of conduct, taxation, contract law, etc.
- Sealand's ruler is an absolute monarch without checks and balances.

Don't get me wrong, I subscribe and believe in forms of government that
are either earned or inherited and especially learnt.

However, conducting business in a location in which there is no rules and
in which the 'citizenry' is at the complete mercy of the government, is
IMHO not worth the higher fees that have to be passed on to customers.

The problem does not stop there. The very absence of rules puts you at the
mercy of authorities elsewhere if your clients mess up. With the absence
of rules comes the loss of protection. The protection hosting service
providers enjoy through decissions and precedents in case law that held
that hosting businesses can not be held responsible or indeed liable for
what their respective customers do with the storage space they rent.

Now, that said, if indeed your assumption is correct and there is some
sort of conspiracy against Sealand in the works, then I'd say, which ever
way you look at it, you would loose.
If the conspirators succeed to mess up Sealand and/or HavenCo, then you
will risk loosing clients. If the conspirators fail, then they will first
go after the service providers, next after the ventures based on or using
Sealand and finally make things difficult for everyone remotely related to
Sealand - such as your customers hosting there.

If you give it some thought, you are likely to agree that if some
conspirators try technical gimmickery and then a smear campaign in the
press, then nothing is really beneath them (sounds government inspired
and/or sponsored, if you ask me).

Now, while sticking to Sealand might earn you a medal for bravery (now,
there is an idea), it is not necessarily a wise business choice.


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